KDC Specializes in re-imagining the bath and shower space.
At KDC, we’ve been busy re-imagining the bathroom space for our clients. Check out some of our most recent bathroom renovations in the gallery below.
KDC’S BATHROOM remodeling PRocess
Listening & Planning
Before you tear out your old tub, sink, and latrine and begin dealing with your dream bathroom, it's vital to design out your vision, set a practical financial plan, and timetable a time period for the venture. costs can shift dramatically depending on your desire for style, wanted elements, and living area.
It all starts Here
First, we sit down with you and we listen to your needs and your visions.
Setting a sensible spending plan and leaving around 10% space for unforeseen detours or incidents with a possibility spending plan will make this redesign project run as expected and keep you exited for the final outcome.
Designing & Rendering
Hire a contractor and request a permit on your city's government website to ensure your new bathroom will be entirely legitimate and functioning. Request new features right off the bat so they get followed through on time and ask your contractor for a timetable so you can plan for the underlying and last examination of your restroom.
ImaginE It
Here is where we work together to visualize your dream bathroom.
These things might differ depending upon where you reside and how large of a remodel you are planning to take on in your home.
Building & Enjoying
Before you get started make sure that the water supply to your shower, tub, toilet, and sink is turned off. First, remove the toilet. Drain it and then use a rag to plug the waste pipe. Next, disconnect the plumbing from your sink to remove it alongside the old vanity or bathroom cabinets.
The most ideal way to remove the shower or tub, relies upon the arrangement of your old bathroom. Assuming your tub or shower-tub blend is appended to the wall, hammer away! On the off chance that you have a bath that is still looking great, you might consider selling, or giving it away. All things considered, remove it cautiously and request help carrying it outside.
Detach your bathroom's electrical to eliminate any light installations securely. Then, at that point, eliminate embellishments like mirrors, wall-mounted bathroom tissue holders, or towel racks. Remove your baseboards before you get into the gritty work. Remove the current tiles, drywall, and ground surface. Once everything is demolished, check for any mold or water damage that developed behind the elements or on your subfloors throughout the long term. Assuming that you find any damage or are concerned something will develop from here on out, fix it now. It's smarter to utilize your financial plan as of now than to tear out all of your diligent effort in a couple of months or years.
Plumbing & Electrical
Now that your bathroom is demolished, is the ideal time to chip away at any harsh ins. Begin with the pipes. Supplant the latrine spine. This is the piece of the latrine that ties down it to the floor and interfaces your latrine to the channel pipe. You'll likewise believe you should do any pipe adjustments as of now. Remember that changing pipes can expand your financial plan by a couple hundred or thousand bucks relying upon how far you need to move it from its unique spot. During this step, you'll likewise need to introduce your new shower tub or pan. On the off chance that you're wanting to introduce an above shower head or have a dream of a double shower head, run a water line expansion now.
Reworking your electrical while the walls are open is a lot more straightforward than doing it later on simultaneously. During this stage, you can change out circuits, relocate or introduce unexpected outlets, move hookups for lights, and move the fan if important. The nearer you move it to your new shower, the more dampness it will retain.
BrinGing it to life
The most exciting and rewarding part is building the bathroom we’ve worked together to conceptualize.
After the rough plumbing and electrical are set, you can close the walls again. To create a moisture and mold-resistant layer, you can use concrete or cement boards to close up the shower walls. It's also a great underlayment for tile. To close up the other walls, use regular mold-resistant drywall.
Shower tiles & Walls
Once the drywall is installed, you can paint it. Remember that bathrooms will more often than not hold a great deal of moisture and walls can get wet so pick paint that will endure these circumstances. Utilize a dampness safe preliminary to keep the paint from stripping. On the other hand, satin or glossy paint will be considered a simple tidy up and a completion that doesn't change its appearance in a humid climate.
When it comes to picking a color, an impartial shade like white, beige, or cream is good looking and causes the space to seem bigger. These varieties will likewise give you a seriously complimenting reflection when you thoroughly look in the mirror you'll likely need to install tile around the shower walls or bath fenced in area now. Picking a highlight tile for your shower walls will make a wonderful assertion feature. Assuming it's inside a financial plan, consider a quartz or stone section for a shower plan that emanates genuine spa flows.
Install Floors
Other than the cost, consider how much traffic you'll have in your bathroom while picking flooring. On the off chance that you share the space with kids, pick a more strong material. Assuming that it's your own spa, focus on the visual allure.
KDC Recommends each of the following:
Designed wood: One of the priciest yet in addition most sturdy choices is designed wood. It's 100 percent waterproof, simple to introduce, and gives you that wonderful regular wood veneer. This sort of ground surface looks exquisite in a mid-century present day, rare, or waterfront inside.
Porcelain or ceramic tile: This is absolutely one of the most well known decisions for bathrooms floor surface and it's not difficult to see the reason why, tile is exceptionally simple to keep up with. It's likewise quite possibly one of the most reasonable choices. Remember that tiles can be challenging to introduce assuming you've never attempted them. They"ll likewise be cold on your feet except if you introduced warmed floors or are intending to cover them with carpets.
Waterproof vinyl: There are two kinds of waterproof vinyl you can look over: wood plastic composite and stone plastic composite. The two choices are 100 percent waterproof, entirely sturdy, and simple to clean.
Shower Door Installation
KDC recommends each of the following:
Glass door: A glass shower door will cause your washroom to seem bigger and allow more light in the shower. This choice additionally flaunts the beautiful tile you introduced in your shower or tub nook. As opposed to encountering a cold breeze that can some of the time creep through a shade, a strong glass entryway will hold the heat of your shower.
Shower curtain: Shower shades are a more reasonable choice and require less maintenance. You can trade it consistently or choose a texture drape liner that you can wash month to month. Shower draperies are an incredible method for adding a variety and an individual touch to your bathroom. They may likewise be the better choice for a shower tub mix that must be senior or kid-friendly well disposed as you can undoubtedly shift them to the side and get full admittance to the bath.
Light & Fan Installation
May there be light! Attach any wall or roof lights that you anticipated for your bathroom. Now you get a great idea to find out about what the end result will be. Attach and Connect the exhaust fan. On the off chance that you moved it appropriately during the harsh stage, this should be a speedy and simple task. Pick LED lights with white light and a high variety delivering for the most reliable tones.
Vanity & Countertop
Installing your vanity are the next steps. A vanity has a lot more features than a regular floating sink. They conceal plumbing apparatuses and offer additional extra room in the bureau and surface region close to the sink. Assuming that you bought ready to assemble cabinets, gather them before you carry them into the bathroom to try not to damage your new floors. Pre-collected cupboards ought to be all set, simply connect the entryways and bureau equipment once the vanity is introduced.
Pick a countertop that supplements different highlights in your restroom and won"t stain from continually getting wet. Granite, quartz, marble, and porcelain are fantastic choices. Fixtures installations and final plumbing touch.
Once your vanity and sink are set up you can complete the pipes and introduce your new installations. For a durable look, pick comparative pipes installations for your sink, bath, and shower.
The range of faucets, showerheads, and bath installations can be overwhelming. Think about the surface, look, cost, and usefulness prior to buying and introducing them in your new bathroom. Giving various styles a shot in a display area or at the tool shop can be useful in deciding and picking fixtures that you'll be content with over a long run. Installing your toilet will probably be significantly simpler than you naturally expect it.
Accessories & Decoration
Now that your bathroom is finished, you can add final details. This is an extraordinary chance to introduce a backsplash behind your vanity, hang open racking and towel bars, and add light switch plates.
Keeping the beautification in your bathroom negligible will make this space mess free and tranquil. Add a couple of plants and useful style like delightful mirrors, bins for towels or clothing, candles so you can partake in an air pocket shower in your new tub will make a peaceful oasis that allows you to forget the pressure of the renovation process.
At KDC Carpentry, we pay attention to detail in our work to ensure the craft and integrity shines in the final product of everything we build.
“Easy to deal with and has great passion for his work!
Had my half bath transformed to a full bath and I was very impressed how it turned out to be a hotel-like bathroom. Klever and his team are always willing to work things out with his clients, from budget flexibility and providing fast and reliable services with amazing skills and expertise in their craft. Pay high attention to details with dedication to meeting and exceeding the client’s expectations.
Planning to get his crew back for our next project.
Will definitely recommend KDC to our family and friends.
All the best for Klever and his KDC crew!”
Let’s WORK Together
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