KDC Specializes in re-imagining the culinary space.


At KDC, we’ve been busy re-imagining the kitchen space for our clients. Check out some of our most recent kitchen renovations in the gallery below.


KDC’S Kitchen remodeling PRocess

Listening & Planning

Before you get everything rolling, it's essential to create a plan Arranging is vital! The more distinctive your vision is, the simpler the venture will become fully awake.

Making a kitchen temperament board is an incredible method for writing your vision down. This can assist with holding you on target in assembling contractor search for your kitchen. This likewise assists you with obviously passing the thing you're searching for on to any project workers and creators you employ.

It all starts Here

First, we sit down with you and we listen to your needs and your visions.

In the event that you don't have a lot of involvement in renovating, consider recruiting a group of experts that can deal with everything for you. This will facilitate some weight on your shoulders and limit things that can turn out badly. Make sure to apply for any permits you might require like structure and mechanical before anybody starts to work. Inability to do so may bring about issues with the area and city.


Designing & Rendering

Assuming you're requesting things for the rebuild, similar to kitchen cabinets, make a point to arrange them early enough with the goal that they show up on time. Missing materials can push back the timetable of the rebuild. This can likewise baffle the specialists who are accountable for the project.

ImaginE It

Here is where we work together to visualize your dream kitchen.

The more drawn out the development takes, the more costly the bill will be. In the event of a crisis, specialists recommend having 20% of your spending plan put away. This way you're not mishandling additional assets at the last moment to finish your kitchen.


Building & Enjoying


The demolition stage comprises of destroying things and getting everything out of the kitchen. In the event that you're thinking about employing a project worker anyplace simultaneously, destruction is a decent stage to do as such. On the off chance that you endeavor this step all alone, it's feasible to commit an error and make future issues with the establishment.

Plumbing and Electrical

After demolition, you'll have to supplant obsolete pipes and electrical necessities. This step might take you around three to five days to finish. Substitution ought to just start after you introduce the new pipes apparatuses and machines. Treat this step as a greater amount of an investigation to check whether anything will create future issues. The last thing you'll require is a pipes issue once your kitchen is completely redesigned.

BrinGing it to life

The most exciting and rewarding part is building out the kitchen we’ve worked together to conceptualize.

Drywall Installation

Drywall can take anywhere from three to six days as you will need to apply tape compound, sand it and apply primer and paint. Once the drywall is installed, have fun picking what color paint to use. The design and color of the walls can set the tone for the theme of your kitchen. Traditionally speaking, people tend to favor neutral colors when painting their walls. Neutral colors help maintain a cohesive look, regardless of if you change other things such as cabinets and appliances later on.

New Flooring

Next, it's time to install the new flooring in your kitchen. Flooring can take anywhere from one to four days to complete. Try different styles and pick one that's best suited for your kitchen. Some examples of flooring designs include laminate, tile, and hardwood. While choosing, remember who will utilize the kitchen and how it'll be utilized for most of the time. Certain individuals like to hold on for the rest of the cycle to introduce flooring they might feel stressed the subsequent stages in development will start to expose what's underneath. Nonetheless, the disadvantage to introducing flooring last is that it won't go on under your cupboards and machines. Flooring that reaches out under these things can really add to the exchange worth of your home.

Kitchen Cabinets

Once the floors are in, it's time to install kitchen cabinets. When ordering kitchen cabinets, it's important to invest in high-quality products now. Cabinets that are poorly made run the risk of breaking down on you after a short amount of time. The installation process can take anywhere from three to seven days. Remember Cabinets play a huge role in the design aspect of the kitchen. They are one of the first things that draw one's attention when looking into the kitchen. On average, the budget most people allocate for cabinets is $10,000 to $25,000. This amount can be higher or lower depending on the type of cabinet you chose.


Installing countertops will take anywhere from one to two weeks. The process tends to take a little longer than others because you'll need precise measurements before ordering. When shopping for countertops, your eyes may get fixated on the more extravagant designs rather than the simple ones. This can cause an issue if you're trying to stay under a strict budget. The more extravagant design you chose, the more expensive the price is to install. There are many different options to choose from when deciding on countertops. Popular styles today include granite, marble, and quartz. Consider choosing a style that best fits with the paint—this keeps the kitchen looking cohesive. Also, keep in mind that countertops are very difficult to install. You may need to spend some extra funds to hire a professional for installation.

Plumbing Fixture

Once cabinets are in, it's time to install new plumbing fixtures. This can take around one to two days to finish. The fundamental pipes installation you'll require is a sink. You have numerous choices to browse while concluding what sort of sink to introduce. Think about the topic of their kitchen, as well as what the kitchen will be utilized for while picking. While this stage may not appear to be exceptionally fun, sink configuration can assume a major part in the field of your kitchen.


Bringing in new appliances will also take about one to two days. Consider hiring an electrician to help you out with this. Rewiring and setting them up need to be done very specifically—one wrong move may leave you with appliances that don't work or will break down shortly.


Backsplash It can take roughly one to three days to complete. The style you choose comes down to personal preference. You may want a more classic look where the style of your countertops extends until the wall cabinets. However, if you're interested in playing around with different backsplash styles, you can mix and match different kinds of tiles.


As the remodeling process comes to a close, you'll need to finish up last-minute details and install any remaining hardware. Allocate one to two days to this last step. For last-minute touch-ups, check to see if any paint may have chipped on the walls while remodeling. You may also want to add some crown molding. Crown molding is the decorative lining placed along where a wall meets the roof. This is not necessary, but it can give the kitchen a more polished look.


Watch Our kitchen remodel VIDEO

At KDC Carpentry, we pay attention to detail in our work to ensure the craft and integrity shines in the final product of everything we build.



We decided to have Klever and his team back to help with our kitchen remodeling, and are very happy we did. Klever stayed on top of the permit process, and ensured the electrician and plumber were lined up to do their work. Klever scheduled inspections and was on site to make sure any concerns were addressed so that the permits could be closed. The team worked efficiently to make sure everything was installed as quickly as possible, and followed the drawings exactly. The work included taking down a wall, installing cabinets, new ceiling and pendant lights, and moving the appliances around. They taped off sections so that my family could be comfortable during the construction phase with no dust flying around. We felt very comfortable and confident things were progressing well with the KDC team.

We also asked Klever to paint the walls / doors and the team went above and beyond, including fixing cracks, sealing the doors, and installing wall bumpers. He noticed we had water leaking in from the windows and installed a sloped ledge outside so that any rainfall would flow down instead of coming into the house. They also cleaned the gutters while they were at it! They truly look at a job holistically so that there are no issues in the future.

Klever was also very transparent about the pricing and cost. He noted the issues up front so that we weren’t surprised by additional costs at the end of the project.

Klever and his team really made the whole process as stress-free as possible. Thanks again for a great experience!
— Betty Horna from Rye, New York

Let’s WORK Together

Feel free to send us a note to set up a free estimate. We’d love to hear from you. Let’s build something together!